Metallic Glaze: Iron Work
Metallic Glaze on Original Metal Work
Metallic Glaze on Original Plaster Work
Iconic Fifth Ave Exterior
Gold Leaf Ceiling Entrance
Interior Designer: CPS Design, Inc
Ceiling: Metallic Venetian Plaster
Carved Crown Moldings marry the beautiful
Marble Slabs
Restored to it’s original glory this lobby sings all day
Interior Designer: Michael Laudati
Painstaking research brought this lobby
back to it’s original glory thanks to
Interior Designer: Michael Laudati
Faux Marble matches the original marble
that was cut out for doorways and then replaced by walls. We matched several of these areas where the original marble was missing
Faux Marble matches the original marble
that was cut out for doorways and then replaced by walls. We matched several of these areas where the original marble was missing
Custom Metallic Glaze & Sky Mural
Woodgrain to match original pieces
Glaze & Faux Marble
Faux Bois and Colored Glazes
Faux Bois and Colored Glazes
Faux Limestone